DevOps(Day-56): Understanding Ad-hoc commands in Ansible

DevOps(Day-56): Understanding Ad-hoc commands in Ansible

Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liners designed to achieve a very specific task they are like quick snippets and your compact Swiss army knife when you want to do a quick task across multiple machines.

To put simply, Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liner Linux shell commands and playbooks are like a shell script, a collective of many commands with logic.

Ansible ad hoc commands come in handy when you want to perform a quick task.

Task: Realtime examples on Ansible.

  • write an ansible ad hoc ping command to ping 3 servers from the inventory file

    1. As the task says, we have created 1 master server and 3 node servers and made a connection between them through public keys and integrated in the inventory file.

      All of this we have done in my yesterday's blog.

    2. Execute the ping command to ping all the 3 servers by passing inventory as input.

       ansible all -m ping -i /etc/ansible/hosts

    3. The output indicates the healthy state of all the 3 node server.

  • Write an ansible ad hoc command to check uptime

    1. Execute the uptime command for all the servers mentioned in the inventory file.

       ansible all -a uptime -i /etc/ansible/hosts

    2. The output indicates the total time for which all the 3 node servers are up and running.

Thanks for reading my article. Have a nice day.

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