


Linux - Wikipedia

It is an operating system first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. It comes from the family of Unix operating system which is a black terminal screen that provides excellent security.

Basic Linux commands:-

  1. Check your present working directory.

    The command used to check the directory you are currently at is "pwd".

  1. List all the files or directories including hidden files.

    "ls" - It is the command used to list the files in the present directory.

    There are multiple extensions that can be used along with ls command such as:-

    -a :- It displays all the hidden files in the directory.

    -l :- It gives a long listing of files.

    -R :- gives a recursive listing, including the contents of all subdirectories and their subdirectories and so on.

    -t :- lists the files in order of the time when they were last modified (newest first) rather than in alphabetical order.

    -r :- lists the files in the reverse of the order.

    -i :- displays all the files with their index numbers.

    "ls *.sh":- It displays all the files ending with .sh present in the present directory.

    "ls -d */":- It displays all the directories in the directory you are currently at.

  2. Commands to navigate and create directories.

    "cd <path_of_the_directory>" :- This command navigates the user to the specified directory.

    "cd .." :- This command changes the directory to previous directory from the directory you are currently at.

    "cd ../.." :- This command changes the directory to two previous directories up from the directory you are currently at.

    "cd -" :- This navigates to previous directory.

    "cd ~" :- This navigates to home directory.

    "cd 'Dir name with space' or cd Dir\ name\ with\ space" :- Slash or '' is used for the directories with spaces.

    "mkdir <desired_directory_name>" :- This will create a directory.

    "mkdir .<Newfolder>" :- This will create a new hidden directory with name Newfolder.

    "mkdir A B C D E" :- This will create multiple directories.

    "mkdir -p A/B/C/D/E" :- This will create nested directories.

    "rmdir <dir_name>" :- This will delete the directory.

    "rm -r <dir_name>" :- This will delete all the files and directories inside dir_name directory recurrsively.

    "mkdir -m 700 <newdir>" :- This will set the permission while creating the directory.